Ashbridges Bay Maintenance & Storage Facility

Ashbridges Bay Maintenance & Storage Facility

Toronto, ON

Condor was a subcontrctor to Pomerleau who were the prime contractor in charge of building the new maintenance and storage facility. Condor was responsible for the design, manufacture, wiring, installation, testing and commissioning of the complete signal system – both the wayside and the control office.

The wayside consisted of 43 switch machines equipped with switch position indicator signals, axle counters for train detection, An RFID interrogator system which read and identified incoming cars and then relayed this information to the control office where trains were tracked through the yard.

Microlok processors were wired in a hot standby configuration and were used for the software application signaling logic. The yard was controlled by yard dspatcher using an entrance/exit based PC system TMM (Train Movement Manager).