Metrolinx Stouffville Double Tracking
Condor subcontracted to Dufferin construction to supply labour, material, equipment and supervision for the installation, testing and commissioning to add a second track between mile 52.09 and mile 55.50 on the Metrolinx Uxbridge Subdivision.
Condor manufactured, wired, Fat tested and installed 4 new 8 X 8 bungalows equipped with GCP4000 crossing predictors. In addition modifications to 4 other existing crossing bungalows had to be done on site. 2 intermediate signal locations also had to be modified.
Condor had to work closely with the track contractor and other contractors working in the area. Since this was a live line, most major workblocks and commissionings took place on weekends when there was no train service. The majority of the work was completed by the end of 2018, with final completion scheduled for early summer 2019.