Subway Line Extension

Subway Line Extension


Advanced Railway Concepts Ltd. (now known as Condor Signal & Communications Inc.) was awarded the contract to supply the signal system for the extension of the Spadina subway line from Wilson Station to a new station at Downsview. When TTC’s existing train tracking system could not accommodate the new track sections, CONDOR was awarded an additional contract to supply a new Run Number Tracking system that enabled staff at Hillcrest Control Center to track all trains on the entire subway system.

  • Design, supply, installation and testing of all signal system components for the project.
  • Major modifications to Wilson Yard to change the first two tracks from nonvital yard tracks to main line operations.
  • Supply of a new terminal interlocking at Downsview.
  • Supply a redundant, non-vital computer based control system for the modified section, which included interface to the existing central control console at Hillcrest
  • Design and supply of a new mosaic type Zone Control Panel at Downsview